Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Be Still

I woke up around 6:00 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep. My alarm wasn't set until 7:30AM, so I decided to go for a run instead of tossing and turning for the next hour and a half. I turned on some worship music and was looking forward to a peaceful few miles on the road. I am here to tell you that God spoke to me more in that 45 minutes of quiet time than the entire past week put together. As I finished my run, I thought to myself, "Why don't I feel God's presence like that every single day?" Then that little voice whispered..."Because you don't get still."


I will admit that being still is not something I have mastered nor is it at the top of my list of things to do. Sometimes I feel like I have too much to get done to stop and spend time with God. I mean, the house doesn't clean itself..laundry doesn't fold on it's own..I have a huge paper due tomorrow..and I have no clue what I'm going to feed the kids for dinner. Sound familiar? 

As I am writing this, I look over and see my phone recharging by my desk. This may seem like a silly comparison, but we recharge our iPods, phones, and computers, right? Why shouldn't we lie down and let Him recharge us?

God is desperately longing to be closer to us. And the awesome thing is...He is never too busy. Sometimes we get too caught up in the life and things around us that we drown out God from our daily lives and don't even realize it.

Psalm 37:7 says, "Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him."

When you don't know where to go, let Him give you direction. When you need a friend, know that He is right beside you. We shouldn't let our busy schedules distract us from spending quality time with Him.

With finals and the Holiday season quickly approaching, I challenge you to quiet your spirit and be still. Lie down and listen to worship music. Turn off your phone and computer for twenty short minutes and soak up the presence of God. I came across this quote and it is so true: "If the devil can't make us bad, his next trick is to make us busy."

Don't get too busy!

Stay tuned...


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