Monday, March 26, 2012

Guard Your Heart

A few weeks ago, I went to visit a friend of mine who had recently had her firstborn child. As I sat there holding that sweet little baby, I thought to myself..."I would protect her with my life." I made sure that my arms were strong as I held her. I made certain that my feet were steady, and my eyes were ever so watchful.

As I tend to do, I started thinking a little deeper. I started thinking about my heart and how it is just as delicate as that tiny baby.

God has placed something so very precious inside each and every one of you. Just as you would a newborn baby, God wants you to guard, protect, and watch over your heart with all of your might and with all of your strength. It is your heart...your very life!

"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life!"-Proverbs 4:23

Think of this world and all of it's worldly pleasures just like a kidnapper. It wants so badly to steal and destroy your heart. We often look at the sin of the world and think, "It's not that bad!" It may not seem harmful at the time, but it can no doubt separate you from the Lord Jesus Christ.

A newborn child is helpless without love and care. Our heart is just the same. It will surely suffer if it is taken away from Him.

I cannot express how important it is to guard your heart and cling to all that you do!

Stay tuned...


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